Endnotes, as the name says, are notes. These notes appear at the end. Endnotes will appear at the end of your document, manuscript, or any piece of writing.
How do endnotes appear in the main text?
The endnotes generally use numbers (superscripts) like 1,2,3…. or they may also use other symbols in the main text.
What is the purpose of endnotes:
There are two main purposes of an endnote – the first purpose is to provide extra information about a certain thing in your main text. You may have to provide this extra information at the end of your text for various reasons, such as not looking aesthetically in the text, or maybe you want to go for some extra details.
Secondly, the endnotes are used for citations in certain styles.
Now that you basically understand what endnotes are, let’s understand how to use them.
The numbers used in the endnotes appear at the end of the sentence or the clause. These numbers will appear at the end of any punctuation marks, except for emdash. In the case of emdash, the endnotes appear before it.
Please also note that there is no space after you place the endnote number.
Example: The president mentioned the name of a few people in his book.1
Endnotes in APA Style
In APA style, endnotes are not used for citations. Instead of that, APA in-text citations are used.
In APA style, endnotes are used for copyright attribution. You can write more details, but unnecessary information is discouraged in APA-style endnotes.
Chicago Style endnotes
Endnotes in Chicago style are used for citations. An endnote used for citations is basically meant to provide more detailed information. If you are using the endnote for the first time about a source, you may need to elaborate on it. During the second usage of the same source, only necessary information is required, and most of the details can be curtailed.
Endnote examples in Chicago style

Credit: Bibliography.com
Are footnotes and endnotes are different?
Yes and no. They are similar in a way for the fact that both provide detailed information about a citation; they are different in a way for the fact that while endnotes are used at the end of a document, footnotes are on the same page on which the citations have been used.
Endnotes have an advantage over the footnotes as they make the document appear less uncluttered and neat. Footnotes may negatively affect the aesthetics of the document as their usage may make the whole document or book appear cluttered.
Agencies to help in writing endnotes
Editing and proofreading agencies for academic documents are well-versed in writing and verifying the correctness for endnotes and footnotes. In case you are looking for such a service then you can write to info@contentconnects.in