April 16, 2019

How content marketing is helping businesses sell their products and services

You must have read countless times that “content is king”, and for the firms working in the digital department, “content is like water”. Some of you would have been amazed by reading such phrases regarding content. Nowadays, when the world is going gaga over digitization, and analogue has gone outdated, content is something that is becoming the epitome of success. When we talk about content, it doesn’t just involve written matter, but also, photos, videos, and other graphics.

As time is passing by, content is going limitless, and so does its power. That is the reason why, almost all of the evolving companies are utilizing content to promote their services, as well as, products. Content marketing can actually help you successfully launch your product by attracting target traffic, as well as, sales. Let’s discuss, how content can help a company rule the internet world by promoting its products & services:

  • Want the attention of your Social Media audience? Go for Visual Content Marketing

If there goes a discussion regarding the best platform to launch your services, as well as, products, then social media is the one. But, one thing that works the best for social media is visual content. That is, if you keep on posting written content only on the social media platforms, then people will start losing interest in what you’re doing. On the other hand, if you opt for posting the content in the form of photos and videos, then your product/service launch would reach all new heights.

To add some tint of curiosity in your viewers, or followers, you can start posting visual teasers, so that people may remain interested in what exactly is about to come.

  • Opt for User-Generated Content as It Never Loses the War

Now, this is the trick. You don’t have to create all the content by yourself. You should tactfully make people create content for you, which eventually generates significant traffic. Your followers or fans can actually help you. What you have to do is to encourage, as well as, engage your brand-fans, so that they may create content on their own while using your brand’s hashtag. This will actually expose your product or service to the greatest possible extent. These social enthusiasts can actually promote your product or service in their respective circles, which may actually help you in generating enough traffic.

Other alternatives you can go for are:

  • You can either arrange a giveaway for your followers, in which you can gift them with a particular product, brand merchandise, or any other exciting offer.
  • You can allow some certain people to get featured on your page. In order to do so, your fans/followers would post content inclined to your brand only.


  • Share your Content to Various Authentic Channels

You must have read or seen interesting articles involving alluring infographics explaining about a company’s new product or service that is about to launch. Posting content with infographics proves to be more beneficial when you already have an established audience.

For the ones who don’t have an established blog or website, distributing the content to various channels, and reputed websites proves to be beneficial. You can get connected to various publications, as well as, authorized websites in a specific niche regarding guest posting, and featured products.

Content Distribution can be done mainly in two ways:

  1. Guest Posting

Also known as guest blogging, it is an impressive strategy, which is used by many bloggers, in order to engage significant traffic to your product or service launch page. The major tip to follow while doing guest posting is to you should not focus on the promotions of your page or product launch, but you should avail the readers with the useful information regarding what you provide, or related to similar niches.

  1. Press Releases

When a brand launches a new product, they need to spread the word. Most online publications aren’t interested in promoting products. However, they may be interested in featuring your press release announcing the product’s launch.


A press release is a form of written communication in which a brand announces something important, such as a product launch or a company takeover.


In the world of online publishing, a reporter or journalist writes a story. And, if the story is interesting, others pick it up too. It spreads far and wide – from one publication to the other. So, your aim should be to come up with high quality and engaging press release about your product launch.

Content Connects can help you market your business. It’s one of its own, a unique content marketplace and content writing company in Delhi which helps you with the right content for your businesses.

Contact content connects today.



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