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Literature Review

What is literature review? Tips to write a great literature review

Let’s try to understand what a literature review is. This will help the researchers write a good one. How to define literature review: We can define literature review in a simple way. Literature reviews can refer to some of the specific literature available on a particular topic. A literature review in your research paper can Read more about What is literature review? Tips to write a great literature review[…]

APA citation style

How to write citations for your research paper?

How to write citations This can be an important question in front of a thesis writer. The most straightforward answer to this question is that a research paper writer needs to follow the style suggested by your institution. It means that citations have specific academic styles that a thesis writer needs to write. It is Read more about How to write citations for your research paper?[…]

Paper summary

How to Write a Good Research Paper Summary

Tips to write a good paper abstract The summary of a research paper, also called its abstract, comprises its principal contents and the outcome, which are presented very briefly and concisely. Simply put, it gives the reader a preview of the entire paper at a glance; a tightly written summary not only triggers the reader’s Read more about How to Write a Good Research Paper Summary[…]

Tips for editing and proofreading

What are various editing and proofreading techniques?

Steps to follow in Editing and Proofreading Let’s try to understand the various editing and writing techniques that need to be followed while editing and proofreading a manuscript. Editing is generally done not merely by correcting the surface-level errors or simply enhancing the sentences. It has to do more with understanding the overall logistics of Read more about What are various editing and proofreading techniques?[…]

Abstract writing

How to write the abstract of your manuscript

What is Abstract Abstract generally means presenting something concisely. So, an abstract presents the whole paper concisely or condensed in a nice flow that is easily understandable. Abstracts must be able to present the central theme of your work, and readers should get a good idea of what they are going to get after completely Read more about How to write the abstract of your manuscript[…]

High impact journal

How to publish your articles in a high-impact journal?

First, let’s understand what impact factor means. Impact factor (IF) is a measurement method used by journals. It measures how often the articles from a journal are cited. Different journals can be compared on that basis, and a journal that gets better citations is considered to have a high impact factor (IF). How are impact Read more about How to publish your articles in a high-impact journal?[…]


What are endnotes, how to use endnotes

Endnotes, as the name says, are notes. These notes appear at the end. Endnotes will appear at the end of your document, manuscript, or any piece of writing. How do endnotes appear in the main text? The endnotes generally use numbers (superscripts) like 1,2,3…. or they may also use other symbols in the main text. Read more about What are endnotes, how to use endnotes[…]

White paper writing agencies in India

White paper writing agencies in Delhi, why to hire them

What is a white paper Let’s first understand what a white paper is, why there is a need for a white paper, and who uses it. Corporate, Government bodies, institutions, and other types of agencies need white paper. The very basic USP of a white paper is that it is authoritative writing with facts and Read more about White paper writing agencies in Delhi, why to hire them[…]

Plagiarism, plagiarism check, Turnitin, iThenticate

Why plagiarism check is important in a research paper?

Writing a research paper can be a very demanding task. A researcher usually has to refer to scores of works from previous writers and researchers to thoroughly understand the past viewpoints or new research in his or her field of research. In the process, he or she may just put the original ideas as it Read more about Why plagiarism check is important in a research paper?[…]

Developmental editing

What is book editing, and why is it important?

Once you have written a book, the next thing you need to do is to edit it. Editing is a specialized task that requires special skills, so it is ideal that you hire a professional book editor to edit your book. Why you need your book to get edited The primary reason that you need Read more about What is book editing, and why is it important?[…]

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