Literature Review
Let us begin with an introduction to the literature review. A literature review is nothing but research and evaluation of the accessible literature on a related subject or topic. It documents the updates and current trends with respect to the subject or topic for further manuscript writing.
Relevance of Literature Review
The main purpose and relevance of a literature review are to collect timely researched content on a given topic to summarise it for further use. It serves as a great help for people looking for short-summarized content on detailed topics.
It provides a clear foundation for knowledge for the respected field of subject. What so ever the main goal is, thesis writing, research work, and more, a literature review is always of help.
Guide to Write Literature Review
Certain steps need to be followed for a good literature review. These include the following:
Clear and Defined ResearchFor beginning with your literature review, you need clarity on the exact words or topic that you want your review to be based on. Look for the trending and relevant keywords that can help define your search.
1. Choose the Resources Wisely
This step is very important. Keep in mind to use reliable resources while conducting your research. Many resources on the internet might not provide you with credible data. If you are going with physical sources like journals and books, then be a little aware of their credibility.
2. Analyzing Literature In-Depth
An important step in literature review is to analyze the information you have collected on your topic from various sources. Try summarizing all sources and adding your personal touch to them.
3. Setting a Foundation
After critically analyzing the sources and identifying themes, debates, and missing points, if any, it is time to set a clear framework for your review. There are many structures that you can follow, like – methodological, thematic, theoretical, or chronological, which is the most commonly used one.
4. Getting Started with It
The last step is to get started with writing your literature review. Frame out the basic structure, like the introduction, body, and conclusion. It depends on how you wish for it to be. If you need help with the same, then there are many companies providing writing services for the same as well.
Examples of Literature Review
Here are some examples of good literature reviews that might help.
1. “The Use of Technology in English Language Learning: A Literature Review” (It has a Thematic structure and talks about the effects of technology on language.)
2. “Learners’ Listening Comprehension Difficulties in English Language Learning: A Literature Review” (It has a chronological structure and discusses how the notion of listening skills has transformed with time.)
3. “Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines” (It has a Methodological structure and discusses interdisciplinary knowledge gaining and production.)
4. “Why Do People Migrate? A Review of the Theoretical Literature” (It has a Theoretical structure and talks about the progress of economic migration philosophy from the 1950s to the present.)
In Conclusion!
Literature reviews have become an important part of the field of academics today. It is nothing tough to master but being good at it surely takes some time. Some experts can help you with their academic writing services. The key to being good at it is giving more time to the research you do beforehand before actually starting to write. The flow maintains throughout, and a good review is done.