Developmental Editing Services by Content Connects

We provide high quality copyediting and proofreading services

Developmental editing, as defined, basically involves significant structuring or restructuring of content. It is primarily done in the area of novels, ebooks, academic manuscripts, essays, reports, and other forms of writing.

We at Content Connects can help make your work better. We are experts in revising your manuscripts of any work and making them look cleaner and clearer so that you can express what you want your readers to understand. We would certainly like to help you at whatever stage you are with your work. As a creative writing agency, we have written thousands and thousands of articles, blogs, Thought leadership articles, academic work, white papers, press releases, stories, and the list goes on. We have helped many universities with their manuscripts with proper proofreading and editing.

So, if you are looking for developmental editing services, please contact me.

You can write to us at or fill out the form by clicking HERE. We will ensure that we reply to you quickly, and yes, we offer the best prices you can find anywhere in the world.

5 Top Tips to become a highly skilled development editor

In my understanding, content forms the crux of developmental editing. In this day and age, people are surrounded by all kinds of information, and therefore, choosing from the lot is an important decision. There is an opportunity cost involved in giving your time to a book, an article, or a podcast, and that is where the importance of good content comes in. It has been very famously saying that ‘content is king’, and developmental editing is all about ensuring that a book’s content stands out.

It is very common for authors to lose focus and go astray with an idea that does not add value to their manuscript. If this draft is finalized without developmental editing, a reader might lose interest in the book, thereby defeating the purpose of the undertaking. A developmental editor thus helps the author stay organized with little digressions and ensures that the manuscript is focused on the theme decided by the author before the first draft even takes form.

Restructuring the draft becomes necessary to make the manuscript compelling to the audience. It is often wondered why an author who treats her would work as a child would subject it to any kind of alterations. The answer is simple. Marketability. An author’s baby is subjected to the audience’s scrutiny and approval. The wider the reach of the book, the better it is for the author. Developmental editing assists in broadening the reach of the book by improving its readability.

Another question that arises is whether the draft shaped by the author loses its originality after developmental editing. The answer to that is a resounding no. While rewrites of whole chapters, paragraphs, sentences, or phrases are suggested, the idea is not to alter the book's substance. Issues are highlighted based on their effect on the eventual success of the book. Developmental editing is not inimical to the author; it is a collaborative process that should be completed by working out the vision and progress together.

These are some of the underlying points of what constitutes developmental editing. There are several nuances to the process employed to attain a book's success.

Following are 5 tips to become an excellent developmental editor-

Have a workable relationship with the author – A balance between being a critic and a supporter of the draft must be struck. It is best if the discussions are amicable and the author and the editor brainstorm together and discuss the vision and plan for the book.

Remember your role as an editor – While you might want to contribute to the draft, remember that your role is limited to helping suggest only necessary changes for better readability and navigation. Therefore, desist from making substantive changes unless needed.

Your job is to bring out the story in the best way possible – Never let go of the book's central theme and make sure it is not buried under superfluity.

You are not a copy editor – While a badly written book makes your job more challenging, remember to get lost in line editing. Instead, focus on structure, transition, and language. Lastly, do not forget that content is king.

You need to read good content to suggest good changes – Only reading will help you understand how to spot good writing and suggest appropriate restructuring for a great outcome.


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