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What is a white paper?
To begin with, let us understand what a White Paper is.
A white paper can generally be termed as a document that has structured and useful information on a product, service, or anything else. Governments, institutions, companies, non-profit organizations, NGOs, and many other entities generally issue white papers.
Generally, a white paper is used to create a positive influence on the target audience with data, information, persuasive writing, facts, and positive aspects of a product, service, or anything else for which the white paper is being written. A white paper is also targeted at investors who have the potential to invest money in the products and services produced by the company that issues the white paper.
The reason that white paper is understood to provide a positive influence is because of th factual presentation of the data and information. A white paper can generally not use manipulative data. This will certainly fail the purpose of the white paper issued by an entity. Education is one of the main purposes of a white paper. The audience or the target customers, users, or anyone else should have an ample idea of a topic presented by the white paper. That is the reason that the white papers contain well-researched data, and there is nothing random about the white papers. Often, white papers are considered an authentic source of information on any given topic.
What are the various types of white papers?
There can be several types of white papers:
Solution-oriented white papers: This is one type of white paper that is solution-oriented. There is a problem that the target audience of the white paper faces, and the white paper presents the solution to the problem.
Thought-provoking and thought leadership white papers: These types of white papers present thought and ideation and persuade the audiences towards that thought in order to follow them or be convinced by them. The presenter has data and facts to second his thought process and has a structured white paper to convey the point to the target audience.
Simple backgrounders of products and services offered: These white papers simply create an authoritative and persuasive background with authentic information consisting of facts and data. The idea is to bring out the positivity of a given product and service.
Technical white papers: These white papers use illustrations and other types of infographics to present an in-depth analysis of a service or a product. Various features of the products and services are revealed through these white papers, which are very relevant for a target audience.
Visionary white papers: These are visionary types of white papers that present a futuristic vision about a product, service, idea, or anything else. This is backed by data, facts, information, and examples to make the vision credible.
What is grey papers or grey literature?
White papers are generally published in traditional publication entities such as a website and traditional publications that are interested in these white papers. Grey literature, however, refers to literature that is outside the traditional publication houses. For example, a great bit of work is done by think tank non-profit organizations, but usually, as they are out of sight and not picked by the traditional publishers, they often remain ignored.
Many companies and organizations keep on coming up with white papers. So, there are many excellent white papers in the world. One such example of a great white paper is the Networking and your competitive edge white paper by CISCO. The companies used this white paper to explain the complexities involved in its domain. This was a very useful white paper aimed at the stakeholders of the company.

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Format of a white paper: The format of a white paper is generally as given below
Title page: This page, which is the initial page, has the title. The titles can be done creatively in various possible ways. A table of contents will follow. Various creative ideas are available on the internet, which can be utilized by a white paper writer to create high-quality white papers.
Introduction: Introduction is a sort of abstract or a summary of the white paper. It should aptly introduce the subject to give a good understanding of what is expected in detail in the white paper. A good introduction also entices the audience to go further and explore more of the white paper. The writer should avoid writing mundane or boring introductions, which can put off an eager reader. It’s important to write a high-quality and attractive introduction.
Background: The problem background is heavily researched with data and graphs and builds the problem statement of the white paper. It should provide all the relevant information in a well-structured manner and with the help of data and graphs.
Proposed solution: The portion of the white paper provides the solution to the problems discussed in a manner that is reasonable, executable, and probably with examples. Again, infographics can help to discuss this portion of the white paper in a good manner.
Conclusion: There there are concluding remarks.
References or citations: References and citations consist of the resources used. This is an important part of making the white paper credible. It lists the previous research that the white paper has used.
Is there a difference between a white paper and a research paper or dissertations
There is a core difference between the intent of a research paper and a white paper. A research paper or a research report simply and mundanely presents facts, analyses, and outcomes. It does not intend to persuade its audience to form ideas and impressions about a product or service. White papers, on the other hand, apart from presenting the facts, information, and data in a structured manner, also try to create an impression and build interest in the minds of their audiences. Therefore, white paper often serves as a marketing tool or is consciously created to act as a marketing tool. A research paper simply presents a fact, it proves or disproves a theory, or it presents an innovation.
So, a dissertation or a comprehensive research paper is oriented towards presenting hard research facts without an iota of manipulation to use it as a marketing tool. A white paper also has a similar format and, to a degree, is like a research paper; the difference may be in the style or the approach of the white paper.
Where and how to publish white papers
Most of the time, a company will publish the white paper on its company website. This is done in order to increase the credibility of the company and its performance. The white papers are also published on industry websites. The target audiences can pick the white papers from here. There are also free websites like onlinewhitepapers.com where the white papers can be published. Some renowned magazines and digital publications also offer an excellent opportunity to publish your white papers. Some of the places, for example, where you can publish our finance-oriented white papers are Bloomberg, Forbes, and Wall Street Journal. Similarly, other brand publishers can be interested in publishing your white paper as it may have some very unique points.

White paper by experts – info@contentconnects.in
White paper and how to use it as a marketing tool
White paper is a great way to market your products and services. A good white paper works wonders for your content marketing strategy. It has the power to persuade your target audience towards your products and services. The great point about white papers is that they do not just push a product or service as traditionally done through a sales pitch; it has all the data, factual information, and examples that present a product or service in all its various dimensions. It increases the awareness and knowledge about the product and services. Therefore, it is a great way to market your product in a very polished manner.
What should be the length of a white paper:
Well, the length depends on the topic, purpose, and a whole lot of other factors. A white paper can be anywhere between 3 to 300 pages. However, most of the white papers are between 8 to 30 pages long, which is sufficient for presenting a wide array of information. The length of a white paper should depend on the relevant issues and its presentation.
Are there any disadvantages of a white paper that one should take care of:
There can be some issues with white papers, and they mostly deal with the way it is created. The first and foremost thing is that a white paper should not be boring. It should have an effective introduction. The first 10 lines are crucial, and they should, in a way, give a good idea about what is expected in the rest of the white paper. If a white paper has a good and interesting beginning, people are more likely to go through it in its entirety, and it can bring good benefits for its creator.
The white paper should contain data and research. A white paper that is loaded with the right data and the right information is more likely to be more convincing and trusted among the readers. So try to make it interesting and informative. A dull, boring, and out-of-place white paper can contribute to negative branding. So please be careful.
Content Connects is a great place for getting your white papers written. Contact us today.