February 20, 2020

Content Strategy case study example for Intermiles


CONTENT STRATEGY FOR https://www.intermiles.com/

Content Strategy is so important for any business. Content helps engage with the audiences as well as bring in more audiences. Therefore having the right sort of content and the right volume of content is absolutely essential. This is pretty much important to fulfill the business objectives of a company. 

“What should we create, and why?” is the most important rule in content strategy. 

Here is our step by step approach to define a proper content strategy for your website:  

In the case of Intermiles, we need to promote their programmes, For example, MY FAMILY+. We can have the same content strategy for other programmes and promotions. 

Step 1 – To create exhaustive educative content for programmes like MY FAMILY+

The content strategy is to create educational content about the programme. So we go on create content which will answer all the queries of the people who may be interested in this programme. 

Step 2 – Content which promotes the programme like My FAMILY +, For example, we talk about the benefits of the programme in interesting articles/blogs. We can have 1 such blog/article every month. 

Step 3 – Create personalized blogs which shares great experience about MY FAMILY+ and similar programmes. We can create 2 such blogs each month (around 1000 words each blog) 

All the above content will involve some specific keywords related to Intermiles Programmes and other services.  We will carry out the required research for keywords.  

Other Intermiles promotions 

Like for TIERS and RECOGNITION, we can have various educational content which fully answers the queries of the audience. Again we need to do promotional content which encourages the target audience to participate in such programmes. 

Articles related to new promotions from Intermiles: 

Consistent and regular content related to the promotions carried out by Intermiles. For example, any new promotions for Flight Booking or for Hotels should be detailed in articles on a regular basis. 

General Blog writing 

Blogging is great for any business and more so for a business which is mostly based on promotions. So writing consistent blogs on related topics is a great idea. A great deal of travel blogging is going to be a great idea like is the case with some websites like https://www.thrillophilia.com/.  

Note: We will send you a detailed content strategy and implementation once you sign to work with us.

Connect with Content Connects for content strategy for your business.

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